Breed Info
Our Maran Info
Breed History:
Breed Development:
Different Varieties
Black variety:
White variety:
White variety:
Breed Standards - Organizations Recognizing:
Roo Body - Long, wide, rectangular, slightly inclined.
Head - Large, well vaulted and strong enough. Horns - Formed of two horns, medium size, of round section or slightly oval. Preferably in U shape. Wattles.- Rudimentary, hidden by the beard and the favorites. Apparent barbs are tolerated. Lobes - Whites (unimportant), hidden by favorites. Crest - Large, full, composed of long feathers and wide, thrown back, clearing the ridge well. Eyes - Red orange iris. Beak - Strong, curved. The nasal holes strongly flared. At the birth of the beak is a small mound of flesh that is sometimes only indicated by a red dot. Black gray color. Neck - Pretty long, compact, worn with elegance, camail abundant falling on the shoulders. Back - Long, wide, slightly inclined, abundant lancets. Chest - Full and deep. Abdomen -Full, well developed. Wings.- Pretty big, worn almost horizontally, glued to the body. Tail - Scope slightly raised numerous sickles wide, well arched. Thighs - Short, slightly visible. Feet - Short, smooth, gray black to dark gray, four fingers. |
HEN Sounds like a cock, deep and well developed abdomen, the back less inclined. The crest is large, spherical and does not obstruct vision. The full beard is larger than that of the rooster. Disqualification defects Insufficient size; narrow or too short body; crest too small, split, too large or inclinations; lack of beard; tail too high; Iris eyes too clear branching at the crest; feet too clear.